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How the Fund was Established

Open Eyes is a corporate charity fund of the SoftServe company. When russia started a war against Ukraine in 2014, several initiative groups were naturally formed in the company. They searched around the clock for equipping, personal protective equipment, ambulances and other transport, while also implementing IT solutions to save the lives of defenders and civilians of Ukraine. At that time, no one knew how long the war would last, what fate would await the fund, or what projects it would be engaged in, but there was a 100% feeling that this desire to help others should be supported.

  • 2014
    Open Eyes Charity Fund was established in Ukraine to empower people to initiate charitable projects, raise funds for them, and volunteer as members of project teams.
  • 2017
    Open Eyes fundraising platform became public, so everyone can donate money to the Fund’s charitable initiatives.
  • 2022
    The Fund refocuses on helping Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom, opens a legal entity in Poland, and establishes a partnership with Ecologistics to enable tax-exempt donations from the U.S.

SoftServe was able to connect professionals in their field with those who share common values and desire to change the future for the better. The main thing is that these people are ready to put their efforts into making this future come true. That's how the team of Fund Ambassadors was formed. It's analogous to the supervisory board — they help implement innovative ideas, solutions, and challenges and supervise specific directions.


About us

Our charity fund is a special case because a large IT company does not sponsor someone's ideas but provides a platform for employees where they can create their charitable projects from scratch, fundraise for them, gather teams of volunteers, unite not only colleagues around an important cause but also friends, acquaintances, and all the people who care about a particular end result. Our fund is primarily about values, people, and the fact that we are doing good here and now.



We strive to contribute to the development of the country and the society of active and conscious people who build a better future today, implementing their creative ideas and initiatives. To create environments, projects, and platforms to change this world for the better and do it now. That means we create something unique, valuable, and socially significant thanks, first of all, to people, employees, and external volunteers, who commit their talents, creativity, intelligence, and an open heart to helping others.

How we work

Our Foundation has its own budget. SoftServe finances all administrative costs and partially co-finances employee projects. Instead, people will donate funds exclusively for initiatives on our site, which is a crowdfunding platform.

Core Team

  • team-member

    Taras Vervega

    BoD Member, Head of Charity Fund Open Eyes

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    Viktoriia Mishchuk

    Director of Charity Fund Open Eyes

  • team-member

    Olga Kruk

    Charity Fund Program Coordinator

  • team-member

    Mariia Krashtan

    Charity Fund Program Coordinator

  • In addition to the main team, there is also a group of ambassadors among colleagues, and many volunteers who help us, support us, generate ideas and technical solutions (today there are 500+ people in different parts of the world). There is also the involvement of people from the financial, legal, IT department, HR marketing, PR team, administrative and other divisions of the company in the work of the Foundation. And this is one of the key strengths of the Foundation — an intellectual resource and high-quality mutual assistance.

  • Each employee of the company can generate a project idea that, in his opinion, can change a social problem in society, or solve a point problem in three key areas: medicine, education, military/veterans. The idea should solve the problem of a large number of beneficiaries. The initiator remains the local coordinator of this project, and the Foundation's team and related divisions implement it operationally.



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